Business Competitiveness Analysis

In 2021, the legislature commissioned a comprehensive business competitiveness and SWOT analysis of the state’s economy by the Legislative Committee on Economic Development and International Relations (LCEDIR) to be administered by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor. This effort was predicated on the underlying consensus of Washington economic future - strong, quality, and equitable growth. Growth that meets or exceeds national performance and growth that is not built on either low wage jobs or that could tarnish Washington’s high quality of life.

The following report reviews existing industry studies to establish a baseline understanding of the state’s economy, completes a SWOT analysis, and - through focus groups, public interest meetings, and more - creates a peer state evaluation metric that can be reutilized for years to come. The report also proposes 3 big ideas for legislators, community advocates, and more to take action on while providing context for how these issues impact the economic success of Washington state. For your convenience, variations of the business competitiveness report can be accessed below including:

  • Full Report (Executive Summary + Report + Appendices + Industry Cut Sheets)

  • Simplified Report (Executive Summary + Report)

  • Appendices

  • SWOT Industry Cut Sheets including:

    • Aerospace

    • Agriculture and Agribusiness

    • Climate and Energy

    • Forest Products

    • Information and Communication Technology

    • Life Science and Health

    • Maritime

    • Military, Defense, and National Security

    • Trade and Logistics

    • Manufacturing

    • Construction

    • Hospitality and Tourism

    • Financial Services

This report is the result of a collaborative process involving numerous contributors including:

We would also like to thank our state partners for support of the report including:

Questions regarding this report should be directed to David Bremer, Director of Policy and International Relations, as the single point of contact and coordinator for this report, by email at