Purpose and Intended Use
The purpose of Office of the Lt. Governor is to promote information about the official activities of the lieutenant governor and to provide useful information related to the duties and responsibilities of the office.This website may also provide information related to legislative activities, general news regarding state government, elected officials, dignitaries, community groups and general citizens and organizations as they interact with the office, and other appropriate matters that lie within the discretion of the lieutenant governor and his staff.
The Office of the Lt. Governor recognizes that it is necessary to include links to websites outside Office of the Lt. Governor control. The purpose of this section is to clearly state that the Office of the Lt. Governor website is not a public forum for communication and debate. Links to external websites from the Office of the Lt. Governor pages are established and retained at Office of the Lt. Governor discretion. This page also provides guidelines on when links to external sources are inappropriate.
This section applies to the Office of the Lt. Governor website. Links to the following types of web pages may be included in Office of the Lt. Governor:
Other Governmental Units & Educational Institutions - Office of the Lt. Governor may provide links to other federal, state, and local governmental units and educational institutions that provide services and information that Office of the Lt. Governor website users may find of interest.
Private Organizations - Office of the Lt. Governor may provide links to private organizations if these organizations offer services that complement Office of the Lt. Governor's purpose, information and if the links meet the acceptance criteria stated in this section.
Office of the Lt. Governor provides links to websites that are not controlled, maintained, or regulated by Office of the Lt. Governor, and as such Office of the Lt. Governor is not responsible for the content of those websites.Any information obtained from a website linked to from Office of the Lt. Governor is not guaranteed by Office of the Lt. Governor and the user should review the accuracy of any information before relying upon it. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or otherwise does not represent endorsement or recommendation by Office of the Lt. Governor.
Guidelines for Establishing a Link from Office of the Lt. Governor to an external website"External website" shall mean all websites other than Office of the Lt. Governor.Using the following acceptance criteria, Office of the Lt. Governor will review every link and decide whether it is appropriate and relevant:
The External website corresponds with the Purpose of Office of the Lt. Governor.
The external website is appropriate with respect to the Purpose of Office of the Lt. Governor.
Links to state agencies' websites are a principle means of meeting our Purpose and are generally accepted as appropriate.
Links to social networking sites may be accepted as appropriate when associated with state agencies.
An inappropriate External website may include, but is not limited to websites that:
Exhibit hate, bias, discrimination, pornography, libelous or otherwise defamatory content;
Advocates or promotes the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs;
Lobby, advocate, or advance the policies and priorities of a particular industry, organization or enterprise. This may include sites of non-profit organizations;
Promote or makes available adult or sexually oriented entertainment or materials;
Promote, oppose, or makes available weapons or gambling;
Advocate for or against a candidate for public office or promote or oppose a ballot proposition.
Additionally, Office of the Lt. Governor reserves the right to deny links if it determines that a website contains misleading or unsubstantiated claims, conflicts with the Purpose of the Office of the Lt. Governor website or does not meet one or more of the criteria set forth in this section.