State Services

The Office of Lt. Governor receives numerous calls from citizens seeking assistance with a wide assortment of issues. The lieutenant governor will frequently make inquiries on behalf of constituents to help resolve particularly complex problems that come into the office or ask his staff to do this on his behalf. We can make no guarantees, nor can we offer legal advice or get involved in private judicial issues, but we can help connect you to the right people. Please use the links on this page to get started.

Contact the Office of the Lt. Governor (for scheduling and appearance requests, constituent concerns, mailing and email address information, directions, etc.)

Washington State Government

The number for the Legislative HOTLINE is 1-800-562-6000 (TTY for Hearing Impaired 1-800-635-9993), and you can leave messages for your senator and representatives regarding your thoughts on issues.

Statewide Elected Officials

Find Your Legislator

Legislative and Bill Information

Elections and Voting

Judicial Information (court directory, forms, key opinions and resources).

Toll-free numbers for state agencies and services (Use the drop-down menu under "Organization" to the left to find the agency or service you want).

Access Washington (Official State Government Web Site)

State Agencies and Departments (alphabetical list and links)

State Services A-Z

Washington Relay Services (TTY assistance for deaf and hard of hearing, deaf-blind and speech-disabled)

Call 7-1-1 Interpreter and Translation Services  

State Agencies

We include links to a comprehensive list of Washington state agencies, boards and commissions by agency name and by service topic on our state services menu at the top right of this page.

In addition, many state agencies have toll-free numbers.  (Use the drop-down menu under organizations to select the agency).  If you are trying to locate a specific program or employee, you may also call the state's toll-free directory assistance line at (800) 321-2808 or check the online directory.

For general questions, below are phone numbers for several state agencies and programs that may be helpful.

Department of Social & Health Services:

Agency contact: Miko Nanto – Constituent Services LiaisonEmail: askDSHS@dshs.wa.govPhone: 800-737-0617

Children’s Administration:

Children's Administration Constituent Relations: 1-800-723-4831

Child Abuse & Neglect Reports: 1-800-562-5624 or call 1-866-END-HARM (866-363-4276)Foster Parenting/Adoptive Parenting Recruitment Information: 1-888-KIDS-414 (1-888-543-7414)

Aging & Long-Term Support Administration:

Phone: 1-800-422-3263 (voice)1-800-737-7931 (TDD)Abuse/Neglect Reporting for adults in their own homes, call Adult Protective Services for your county.

Statewide Abuse/Neglect Reporting for adults in facilities (nursing homes, etc), call 800-562-6078.

Health & Recovery Services:

Washington Recovery Help Line for confidential, 24-hour crisis counseling and referrals: 1-866-789-1511

Mental Health Division: 1-888-713-6010

Medical Assistance Customer Support Center: 1-800-562-3022

Vocational Rehabilitation:Division of Vocational Rehabilitation – 1-800-637-5627

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Statewide Offices

Child Support:Child Support Community Relations – 1-800-457-6202

Fraud Investigations:

Employment Security Department:


To apply for benefits, file a weekly benefits claim, or ask questions about benefits or a claim, call 1-800-318-6022. 

To appeal a benefits decision, fax a written appeal to 1-800-301-1795.

Labor & Industries:

Claims (1-800-LISTENS): 1-800-547-8367

Employment Standards/workplace rights: 1-866-219-7321

Provider Hotline: 1-800-848-0811

Automated Claims Info: 1-800-831-5227

Safety and Health: 1-800-4BE-SAFE 1-800-423-7233

Report fraud 1-888-811-5974

Department of Commerce:

Washington Foreclosure Mediation Program: Washington homeowners facing foreclosure have the opportunity to be referred by a housing counselor or attorney to mediation with their lender to review available options to keep their home.Constituents should contact Commerce at (360) 725-3026 or e-mail .

Department of Corrections:

Family members with suggestions or concerns about the operation of a DOC facility can contact DOC’s Correspondence Unit via email at or at the address & number below:

Department of Corrections Correspondence Unit
PO Box 41118
Olympia, WA 98504-1118
Phone: (360) 725-8201
Fax: (360) 664-4056

If you or a family member needs to get an emergency message to an offender, they should contact the facility directly.  Facility contact info can be found on DOC’s Web site at

Department of Financial Institutions:

If you believe you are a victim of mortgage fraud, or unscrupulous payday lenders or escrow agents you can call DFI to file a complaint at 1-877-746-4334.

Department of Licensing:

For information on renewing driver’s licenses, vehicle or boat registrations, or filing a master business license or other professional licenses,  go to the Department of Licensing's website. Many of these transactions can be done through the Web site, and you can also find the office closest to you. Phone numbers for the Driver Licensing, Vehicle & Boat Registration, Business & Professional Licensing, and Administration divisions can be found on the department's website.

Consumer Complaints

Many consumer complaints should be directed to the Office of the Attorney General.  Constituents can file a complaint online, call 800-551-4636, or complete the consumer complaint form on the AGO’s website and mail it in to one of the offices listed.The Federal Trade Commission also handles consumer complaints for the federal government and has a wide array of information available on its website.

Lastly, constituents can call 211 to get information about local resources for a variety of problems including landlord/tenant disputes, debt counseling, health and human service information and referrals, and a variety of other issues.


There are a wide variety of housing assistance resources out there.  If you need information about housing assistance programs, you can call HUD’s offices in Seattle at (877) 741-3281 or Spokane at (509) 368-3200.  For questions about FHA loans or programs, you can call 800-225-5342.  For questions about HUD rental assistance programs, please call 800-955-2232.  You may also visit HUD’s website for Washington for more information.Washington's state Department of Commerce also has information about housing assistance available on its Web site, by clicking the “Programs” tab on, including farm worker housing, links to local homelessness programs, and rental assistance programs.  Generally, these programs are administered locally so constituents should call 211 to find information about resources available to them.

Health Care

Coverage through the Affordable Care Act

If you need assistance in applying for coverage or completing an application through the Washington Healthplanfinder,  you may use the services of a Navigator or a broker. You may also call 1-855.923.4633 or  email

Filing a complaintTo file a complaint about a health care facility or provider, constituents should contact the Health Systems Quality Assurance division at the Department of Health.  You can also call 360-236-4700 or email

For complaints about an insurance company, you can contact the Insurance Commissioner’s complaint hotline at 800-562-9000.  You may also file a complaint online at the Insurance Commissioner’s website.


If you are  having difficulties with a public school or public school district in the state, you can e-mail the governor’s Office of the Education Ombudsman or call the office at (866) 297-2597.  That office will try to help you to resolve the issue with the local district and offers referral services.  They can also be found online at


If a constituent has an insurance question or complaint, contact the office of the Insurance Commissioner’s Insurance Consumer Hotline toll-free at 800-562-6900, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Tribes and Tribal Government Governor's Office of Indian Affairs

Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

Legal Issues

State law prohibits members of the legislative and executive branches, and staff, from intervening in any individual legal issues or cases, civil or criminal.  We cannot provide legal advice or refer constituents to a particular attorney. There are, however, some legal resources available.If you have a non-criminal legal issue:

Northwest Justice Project has legal information, resources, and self-help materials available on its website at  Low-income persons may qualify for free legal assistance for non-criminal matters, and may call NWJP’s CLEAR program at 1-888-201-1014 weekdays from 9:15 a.m. until 12:15 p.m.  People in King County should call 211 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For legal representation:If you need to find an attorney to represent you, you can visit the Washington State Bar Association website to find your county bar association. County bar associations ten list contact information for attorneys local to the area and what area of law they practice.

If you want to file a complaint about a judge:

Complaints about judges should be made to the Commission on Judicial Conduct at:

Commission on Judicial Conduct
P.O. Box 1817
Olympia, WA 98507(360) 753-4585
FAX: (360) 586-2918

If you have a complaint/questions about a lawyer:
Complaints about lawyers should be made to the Washington State Bar Association either by calling 800-945-WSBA or 206-443-WSBA, or by emailing   Constituents can call the same numbers to get information about finding a lawyer in their area or can contact their county bar association or lawyer referral service for referrals.  Info on lawyer referral services is also available through WSBA’s website at

By service topic>>

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