Legislative Youth Advisory Council

Administered through a partnership with the Washington State Leadership Board, the Legislative Youth Advisory Council (LYAC)  was established in July 2005 to provide a student-led council to represent youth policy priorities to the Washington State Legislature.

Each year, twenty-two 14-18 year old students from a diverse range of political, geographic, and socioeconomic backgrounds are selected to make meaningful policy recommendations to Washington's state legislature. From lobbying legislators, to hosting events with hundreds of young people from across the state, to traveling across the Cascades to teach civic engagement workshops, LYAC aims to leave an enduring legacy on the lives of youth across the state with its work.

Final appointments are made by the lieutenant governor based on recommendations and selection criteria developed by the council itself. Members serve two-year terms and if eligible, may be reappointed for subsequent two-year terms.

For more information about LYAC, including application information, please visit the LYAC website here.